Is LifeOne Right For you?

Two Brevard County physicians are applying a different tact in treating cancer and AIDS patients, with dramatic, verifiable results.

For Dr. Michael Farley, N.D., cancer was given a face in 1995 that was all too real and personal. In the spring of that year, Donald Farley, Michael's dad, age 71 was diagnosed with fulminant end-stage multiple myeloma (cancer of the bone). The average lifespan for patients so diagnosed is one year or less. In Donald's case, he was told he could expect to live another month.

Seven years later, at 78, he was clinically cancer free. His multiple myeloma was in remission; with no evidence of further cancer growth or metastasis. X-rays showed his bone lesions were healed or healing and his blood test values showed no evidence of cancer. He had no medical complaints other than occasional chest tightness with exertion and mild hypertension. Unfortunately, in February of 2002, Donald died from complications after an ill-advised cardiac angioplasty.

Although reports of spontaneous cancer remission are not uncommon, Donald Farley’s deliverance from the nation’s number two killer was neither spontaneous nor the result of conventional treatment. Instead, Michael Farley, a naturopathic physician, says the remission is attributable to the melding of modern testing and diagnosis protocols with a naturopathic – or natural – treatment approach, whose roots stretch deep into the past. Aiding this treatment methodology was the formulation and use of an herb-based treatment Dr. Farley developed over the better part of a decade, which is called LifeOne.

To better understand why LifeOne was formulated and how it works, it is helpful to know how naturopathy differs from “conventional” medicine, as well as the nature of cancer and the body’s wondrous immune system.


The Naturopathic Method

Naturopathy is a long-practiced approach to healing and sustaining good health that leverages the body's own natural healing powers. Naturopaths endeavor to identify the underlying cause of disease and to treat the person as a whole by taking into account emotional, genetic and environmental influences.

The foundation of naturopathy is the use of natural medicine or herbs. The first written record of herbal medicines dates back to 2800 B.C. China. Evidence of herbal treatments can be traced back millennia earlier to archeological digs in which bags of herbs were discovered interred with bodies of Native Americans.

The popularity of herbal use has fluctuated over the years, but beginning in the 1960s, with the highly publicized fallout from the spectacular failure of certain mainstream drugs such as thalamide, the public’s interest in safer, alternative treatments began to grow.

Today, the sale of herbs and other natural health products is a multi-billion-dollar worldwide industry spread across countless shops, stores and Internet outlets. However, Life One is not the typical health product supplement found at every corner store. The treatment is a result of many years of research into only natural remedies which have been proven to provide actual healing qualities.

Cancer – What is It?

Cancer is cellular division run amuck.

Unchecked, these abnormal cells – medically known as malignant neoplasms – can divide and create more damaged cells that spread throughout the body through a process known as metastasis. Once this occurs, other organs are affected and their functions compromised. Some tumors are benign, or non-life-threatening. Others are malignant; such as pancreatic cancer, which can cause death with startling swiftness.

Losing the War

America’s so-called “war on cancer” was launched during President Richard Nixon’s State of the Union Address in January 1971. Nixon said, “The time has come in America when the same kind of concentrated effort that split the atom and took man to the moon should be turned toward conquering this dread disease. Let us make a total national commitment to achieve this goal.”

The war, however, is essentially a losing one for millions of people worldwide. According to the American Cancer Society (ACS), the math is grim: One in three Americans eventually will contract cancer. This year alone, the ACS predicts that nearly 600,000 American men and women will succumb to the disease. In spite of diagnostic and treatment advances, overall, the mortality rate for all cancers is only slightly less than it was half a century ago. In contrast, deaths from heart diseases have been slashed from 586.8 to 245.8 per 100,000 people over the same period.

Cancer treatment methods have been practiced for hundreds of years, with conventional surgery dating back the farthest. Around the turn of the 20th century, radiation therapy was added, followed by chemotherapy in the 1950s. More recently, hormone therapy has shown promise, but thus far appears effective only against a small number of cancers.

The Immune System

The body’s defense against a myriad of bacteria, viruses and cancers is its immune system. Without a strong immune system, good health is impossible.

The immune system performs two types of key functions: humoral activity, which results in the production of antibodies, essentially defending the body from viruses and cancer; and cellular immunity, which involves the interaction of cell mediated actions, which defend the body against bacteria. A healthy immune system allows cells to differentiate invading harmful organisms from resident “good cells.”

Unlike dedicated organs such as the heart, stomach or lungs, the immune system is truly a system, comprised of organs (thymus and spleen) and other components, including bone marrow, white blood cells, antibodies, hormones, and the lymphatic system.

When the immune system is working at peak efficiency, it can target and destroy pathogenic intruders, such as viruses and bacteria; and abnormally formed cells such as cancer, for which there appears to be no single cause. Some experts believe that the extraordinarily high cancer rate can be attributed to the carcinogenic – or cancer-causing – environment in which we live. Others point to people living longer, which increase the odds that they’ll eventually contract the disease.

Where’s the Cure?

Still, the question remains: Given that cancer is the nation’s number two killer across all age groups (and the number one killer of children), why hasn’t the medical community at large developed more effective cancer treatments? According to Dr. Paul La Rochelle, a colleague of Dr. Michael Farley, the reasons are three fold.

First, Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulations make it difficult for cancer patients to access non-mainstream treatment methodologies. The Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act requires “substantive evidence” of the efficacy and safety of drugs before they are approved, a process that is both lengthy and tremendously expensive. In 2002, the FDA was given jurisdiction over food. This means that if a food is found to be successful in the treatment of disease, the FDA can take it off the market and require that it be subjected to the same lengthy and expensive testing process required for new drugs. As an example, chicken soup has been shown to decrease the symptoms and length of virus infections such as the common cold. As such, chicken soup could be deemed a drug by the FDA and if subjected to the testing and approval process could cost hundreds of dollars per cup.

Second, the gatekeepers to cancer treatment are typically oncologists, who, says Dr. La Rochelle, are generally ill qualified to treat cancer and possibly biased. “Oncologists have a conflict of interest in that they [typically] make over a third of their income from the sale of chemotherapy,” explains La Rochelle. “Oncologists tend to be one of the least qualified physicians for keeping a cancer patient alive. They’re primarily hematologists and not trained in nutrition, or internal medicine. They’re specialists in evaluating blood, but have little idea how the body works as a whole. The therapies they use in treating cancer today are no more effective than they were in 1971 when the war was declared on cancer. As a matter of fact, these treatments have become more expensive but no more effective.”

“There was a study done at McGill University on how many oncologists would have chemo if they were diagnosed with cancer. Seventy-five percent would not,” points out La Rochelle. “They said it has not been shown to be efficacious, and the side effects are too severe. But, 75 percent of the people who get labeled with cancer in this country get chemo. And of the 25 percent of oncologists who would take the chemo say they would do so only for the five or six cancers that are mostly childhood cancers that chemo has been shown to be effective in treating without usually killing the patient. So, that’s very telling. The oncologists won’t take it but they’ll give it to their patients.”

Third, the pharmacological industry is a juggernaut, replete with hundreds of lobbyists who exert political pressure to discourage legislation that would open windows to alternative treatment methods or less expensive drugs. Says La Rochelle: “The pharmaceutical companies fight very hard to ensure that there is no competition against their drugs. The fastest way to be labeled a quack is to have an effective [non-mainstream] method of treatment.”

Dr. Farley interjects that “Many physicians are also bound in terms of treatment methods. For example, if a physician receives government funding for the treatment of AIDS, they are restricted to the use of government-approved treatment methods. These methods require the use of expensive pharmaceuticals, which the patients’ most times cannot afford on their own. Because these patients cannot afford treatment, they are limited to the pharmaceuticals mandated by the government. The doctor in most cases would not even offer any other treatment for fear that they lose the government funding.

Naturally Blocking the Mechanisms of Cancer

The LifeOne formula is an outgrowth of the naturopath’s Native American upbringing. Says doctor Farley: “I was raised in a culture that has used herbal medicines for thousands of years. My grandmother used a lot of herbal medicines and often collected herbs. She taught me a lot.”

Dr. Farley’s resume is diverse and includes work in forensic pathology and physiology, psychology and zoology and naturopathic medicine. He holds patents on orthopedic and orthotic devices to treat limb deformities in foals and leg fractures in horses. In 1992, he received a Doctorate of Naturopathy (N.D.) from the Native American Studies Institute in Old Fort, North Carolina. Although this degree represents a very small part of his formal education, by the time he graduated, Farley had already logged a quarter century of training in herbal medicine.

Around the time he completed work on his degree, Farley turned his attention to developing a means to cope with cancer.

“I investigated the properties of cancer – what cancer cells require to reproduce and what cancer cells have in common,” he says. “I looked at those commonalities that could be worked with, and I studied the ways Native Americans treated cancer for thousands of years. Then, I researched the properties of those herbs. I also examined other cultural medicines whose effectiveness had been empirically proven. If something is used for a thousand years, chances are it works.”

Essentially his research and his education have shown that most cancer results from a combination of poor nutrition [because of the generalized poisoning of our food and water sources] along with contamination of our environment that has reduced the innate function of our healthy immune system to control cancer cells. The primary culprits in all this are excess estrogen and other toxic materials from our environment that get into our food and water. LifeOne is a natural herbal formula of plant phytochemical compounds that provides nutrition to stimulate our immune system back to normal levels. LifeOne ingredients include chrysin, green tea and tumeric extracts, and other natural compounds which naturally help block these excess estrogen contaminants from reaching their target organs in the body.

Professional Partnership

After Farley spent eight years developing his LifeOne formula, he began to work with Dr. Paul La Rochelle, a Brevard County orthopedic surgeon specializing in oncology.

A graduate of prestigious McGill University in Montreal, Quebec, Dr. La Rochelle, M.D.C.M., is an M.D. and has a Master's degree in surgery. Dr. La Rochelle is certified in Canada and in the United States for orthopedic surgery; and was Fellowship trained at Mount Sinai hospital at the University of Toronto in surgical oncology. He has lived and worked in the Melbourne area for some 15 years, specializing in joint-replacement surgery and where applicable, biological reconstruction of knee joints utilizing autologous cartilage reimplantation. His friendship with Farley goes back to the early 1990s, when they first tossed around the idea of jointly creating an integrated medical group that would consist of naturopaths and other complementary health professionals such as anesthesiologists performing acupuncture.

After a fall from a ladder in 1999 resulted in permanent nerve damage, that his left arm and hand partially paralyzed, Dr. La Rochelle began working with Farley in earnest, which heralded what La Rochelle calls the “eye-opening” phase of his medical career.

“I was going through the usual pain, depression and malaise of a life-changing injury,” says La Rochelle. “Dr. Farley needed some help with some orthopedic cases, so he got me up and out and gradually stimulated by what he was doing. And for most of the last three years, he’s been my mentor in helping me learn about naturopathic medicine as opposed to traditional medicine. I’m learning and just beginning to practice what is true medicine – not what has been taught to M.D.s, which is pharmacological medicine. I’ve learned to find out what the cause of the problem is and to look for and treat the cause as opposed to treating the symptoms with medication.”

Treatment Protocol

Three years after La Rochelle’s accident, he began consulting cancer and AIDS patients using a naturopathic approach with Dr. Farley's guidance. Although research and case histories have shown that LifeOne is effective on its own, Dr. La Rochelle treats patients based on an established protocol that includes consultation, testing, lifestyle revamping and treatment, including the administering of LifeOne.

Says La Rochelle, “What I do is very simple. The patients are extensively counseled on a corrective diet, essentially removing sugars and simple carbohydrates, and add LifeOne for further nutritional boosting, which kicks the immune system into high gear and helps the body’s natural ability to produce more antibodies, targeting cells and killer cells that stop the cancer from growing and from spreading. Then I look at the patient’s hormone and cortisol profiles, and adjust where necessary. I then try to reduce the patient’s stress and modify his or her diet, which is extremely important.”

Of course, treatment can vary depending upon the patient’s history and whether the cancer has already been treated via conventional means. La Rochelle prefers consulting with patients whose immune systems haven’t been bludgeoned by chemotherapy or radiation.

“If the patient has undergone chemo or radiation therapy, then his immune system is most likely destroyed,” says La Rochelle. We can deal in most cases with the effects of chemotherapy because usually those are temporary attacks to the immune system. However, the devastating effects of radiation therapy are permanent and in most cases I am unable to reverse the effects of the chronic radiation poisoning that these patients have to deal with for the rest of their lives. “In these cases, I have to put them on something to keep the immune system functioning. But, if the worse thing you have to do is take a hydrocortisone tablet (hydrocortisone is a natural low strength steroid made from soy) every day (in a physiological dose, not a pharmacologically high dose) to maintain the cellular side of your immune system, exercise, watch what you eat; and try to relax: if you want to live and be healthy, that’s what you have to do!”

“When you take a patient out of hospice who’s supposed to be dead in two weeks and then 90 days later he’s visiting a fundraiser, you feel good,” he says. “But many of the patients consulted were dying from secondary or tertiary problems because they had radiation or chemotherapy. Many had developed bacterial infections because they had no immune system. Many had heart problems, kidney problems, liver problems that had nothing to do with their cancer. So, there was a great deal of frustration at the same time in that these problems had to be addressed.”

Patients who haven’t undergone chemo or radiation can be treated much easier. “In these cases, we help them deal with stress in a non-pharmacological way,” says La Rochelle. “So, instead of taking the cortisone, they might take up yoga or painting and achieve the same effect by simply changing something in their lifestyle.”

Stress and the Immune System

Before developing a natural product that replenishes the nutritionally deficient immune system, one of the first things Farley had to understand was why people develop cancer in the first place.

“If you understand the premise that cancer happens every day, and your body has a mechanism to deal with it, then you need to look at what happens to your body when it’s unable to deal with that cancer,” says Farley. “Most of this has to do with what we eat and drink; what our environment is; and what pesticides and what additives go into our food; and also, what estrogens and similar agents end up in our water that adversely affects our immune system.”

In addition to the usual environmental contaminants, La Rochelle says that stress plays a significant role in how well the immune system functions.

“More recently, we’ve been looking at the cellular side of the immune system that’s been giving us trouble, and we’ve found that the cortisol production by the adrenal glands in animals, as seen in veterinary animal tests, is greatly affected by chronic stress. You have adrenal glands that start to produce more cortisol, but can only do so for a limited amount of time and then they become depleted. It’s what we call adrenal insufficiency. This causes several effects down the line in terms of how your immune system works, how your body feels, how you sleep, and more.”

In an emergency situation your body (adrenal glands) secretes excess cortisol and adrenaline so you can be alert and fast to react to the state of emergency. When this happens once or twice a month there is no harm done.

On the other hand, when you deal with daily stress going from traffic jams, pressure at work/school, financial crisis, just to mention a few, your adrenal glands are overworking to produce cortisol and adrenaline. The adrenal glands may be able to continue doing this for a short time but will eventually fail and the person ends up with chronic adrenal syndrome. In other words, they are low on cortisol on a daily basis. That kind of stress on a daily basis is much worse than the once or twice monthly emergency situations.

What happens is that your adrenal glands can’t cope, so they stop producing cortisol. Low cortisol levels in cancer patients are universal. So, looking at patients who have problems with their stress glands, and based on research using animals, we found that a low dose of hydrocortisone [a natural version of cortisol made from soy] corrects the problem. Doing this in tandem with the LifeOne formula simply helps the body get back to doing what it needs to do.”

La Rochelle says that the importance of regulating cortisol in the body is its effect on the immune system; and, by default, immune-deficient-related diseases and conditions. This interaction also provides a biological explanation for spontaneous remission in cancer.

“Pretty much everyone knows someone or saw somewhere on the news where someone was in the advanced stages of cancer, but for some reason it went away and the doctors had no explanation as to how or why this happened,” says La Rochelle. “But once you understand how stress affects the immune system, you can see what’s happening.

“Let’s say someone who’s had a biopsy has been told she has a nasty breast cancer; and that she requires surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy to survive. Let's say she’s a religious woman who believes in prayer. And she prays to God and lets him handle the problem. Well, she just eliminated a lot of stress. By the same token, many people who are diagnosed with cancer generally stop work and stay at home, so they’ve eliminated the stress from work, including the drive back and forth between work and home. If they’re fortunate enough that their spouse has a good enough job or they have a good leave of absence policy at work and they’re not looking at a financial catastrophe, then another layer of stress is removed. So, with this free time at home, accepting the situation, the patient now uses this time to change her diet, eliminating sugar and eats healthier foods while starting to walk or swim for exercise.

Before you know it, the adrenal gland has had time to rest and recover; and starts creating cortisol and stimulating bone marrow, which, in turn, begins creating leukocytes, anti-malignin antibodies and lymphocytes: and boom…the tumor gradually shrinks away. That’s the biological explanation for these spontaneous remissions.

Is this a miracle? Well not really, other than God created us and our ability to heal ourselves when we allow it to happen naturally.

However, this particular combination of reducing stress, changing diet and getting exercise is not the usual treatment for cancer. Instead patients are referred to an oncologist, who increases their stress tremendously by usually telling them they're going to die, that they will undergo horrific treatments that will make them very ill and possibly kill them, all, to perhaps, extend their life for only a few weeks.

The AMAS Test – Validation Tool for LifeOne

How do cancer patients know if their treatment is working? La Rochelle tracks the recovery process through several tests. One of these is a simple blood test, which measures the presence of an antibody that the body produces in response to the presence of cancer, called an AMAS test (Antimalignin Antibody in Serum).

La Rochelle remains incredulous that after having been available for 30 years, the AMAS test isn’t better well known. “Hypothetically, what would be an ideal test for cancer?” he asks. “It should be very sensitive, it should be relatively inexpensive, it should work on all cancers, its results should be reproducible, and it should be doable in any doctor’s office.

“The AMAS test – of which some 70,000 to 80,000 have been administered – meets these criteria and more,” he says. “It was developed by a Harvard biochemist who was working with brain cancers. He then discovered that all cancers were producing a short peptide chain molecule when they were malignant, which he named “malignin”. Research both in humans and animals show that antibodies are produced naturally in the immune system to control cancer. The test is more than 95 percent accurate in detecting the presence of cancer…97 percent for breast cancer.”

The AMAS test is produced by and evaluated by Oncolab Inc. of Cambridge, Massachusetts. Any local laboratory facility can draw and prepare the patient's blood to be sent to Oncolab to be evaluated for the malignin antibody level.

Results are returned in a few days to the patient’s physician and can be used to make the diagnosis of cancer with an accuracy of 95 to 97% without the need for invasive biopsies or surgery; and without the tremendous expense of PET scans, MRIs, CT scans or mammograms. Also, the AMAS test can be used to evaluate the treatment of cancer! Once a baseline level is made, usually starting off at a peak, the AMAS antibody levels go down to normal when the body's immune system has gotten the cancer under control.

Although anyone can request an AMAS test through his or her physician, La Rochelle use the AMAS to track his patients’ progress during treatment. “I use this test to show how the treatments work,” says La Rochelle. “For example, in the last six months, I have had eight breast cancer patients, which I called “naive cases” because they came to me through family or friends before they were seen by an oncologist and did not have chemotherapy or radiation. All of whom had abnormal, positive mammograms. Four had positive biopsies for breast cancer. All were told by their primary physician that they would need an oncological evaluation, surgery, chemotherapy and probably radiation and appointments were made for those procedures. Fortunately the patients came to see me prior to any treatment. I performed baseline CBC’s, complete metabolic profiles, extensive lymphocyte subset panel's and AMAS tests before we began treatment. Eight out of eight of these breast cancer patients all had abnormally high AMAS antibody levels consistent with active cancer.

“Once I got the initial baseline blood tests and AMAS tests done, I advised them how to change their diet to a no sugar, no simple carbohydrate diet and treated them with LifeOne. After four weeks, the women were re-examined and I could see and palpate that the masses were about half the size that they were before treatment began. Normally, breast cancer isn’t painful, especially in the early stages. But the patients’ lumps became sore as the antibodies that fight malignancies started to kill the cancer cells and the inflammatory response kicked in.

At eight weeks into the treatment their AMAS test numbers had dropped to normal or near normal. So, I suggested these patients repeat their mammograms, all of which were all normal, not because I doubted their cancer was in remission but because I wanted to get them out of the [conventional treatment] system. The follow-up mammograms were performed and their doctors scratched their heads and said, ‘Well, it must not have been cancer in the first place.’ However, there had been enough cancer to schedule these patients for surgery or chemo in the first place. So, the AMAS test allowed me to track their progress as treatment progressed.”

Clinical Trials and Success

The LifeOne formula has been in use now for over five years by thousands of patients, both in controlled studies and in “over the counter” usage. Clinical trials have shown that LifeOne provides the necessary nutritional supplementation to re-supply the depleted immune system, boosting that immune system to levels where it can effectively tackle all major forms of cancer, ranging from breast cancer to melanomas to sarcoma of the tongue. Most patients respond favorably to treatment with LifeOne within a week and usually experience decreased pain, increased energy, and a general feeling of increased vigor.

Farley and La Rochelle request testimonials from patients who use LifeOne and physicians who have prescribed LifeOne for their patients and actually used it themselves.

Farley and La Rochelle have received interest from organizations all around the world with regard to the LifeOne. Currently, product has been shipped to Latin America for the purpose of independent clinicals on myriad forms of cancer and AIDS patients. The completed trials have been very positive in all candidates.

So Is It a Cure?

Farley stops short of calling LifeOne a cure for cancer. He does assert, however, that the dietary supplement blocks the mechanisms in the body that enable cancer cells to easily feed and replicate. This process involves chemically controlling insulin and glucose levels of the blood and blocking certain receptor sites, such as estrogen receptor sites. “If you have a cancer that is receptive to estrogen and the receptor site is blocked, then there is no estrogen to help make it grow,” he says. “By locking the DNA transcription for several types of cells so they can’t reproduce, we’re able to control, not cure, the spread of cancer.”

La Rochelle is blunt on the subject of any supposed cancer cure. “Every day, your body produces two to six thousand cancer cells. From the time that you are a child, your immune system is able to isolate and kill them. So, if anyone tells you they have developed a cure for cancer, it is at best a lie, because cancer is a process that is continually ongoing in the human body.” LifeOne isn’t a cure and it’s not a miracle. What it does is help the body do what the body is capable of doing. 1

Dr. La Rochelle is equally blunt regarding the effectiveness of LifeOne. “The results of LifeOne on cancer, AIDS, and immune system are indisputable. We set up a protocol for treatment, and within that protocol, it’s mandated that patients have certain tests (pre-and post treatment) and these tests are preformed at outside independent laboratories. Those tests tell us if patients are getting better or not. Time and again, they have. The product works!”

Recent Events

Currently, treatment is ongoing with approximately 6,000-8,000 cancer patients using LifeOne today. An estimated 85% are individuals with breast cancer, with the remaining 15% split among other cancers and HIV/AIDS. Thus far, there is no record of any cancer case where treatment has not resulted in success.

Scientific cellular testing for seven specific cancer cells has further proven the effectiveness of the treatment. A study completed October 4, 2005, using LifeOne on prostate, colon, ovarian, cervical, leukemia and two breast cancers, has resulted in dramatic evidence supporting the successful clinical trial results. Depending on the cancer strain, 50%-95% of the cancerous cells were killed within the first 24 hours of treatment.

1 This article, like many others, was written prior to the research conducted by Valerie A. Buckley-Beason for Nine Lives C.A. of Venezuela that clearly demonstrates LifeOne does indeed attack and kill cancer cells, thus it is possible to call LifeOne a cure, in certain applications.


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